This anonymous “Tango from Paraguay” is a nice piece to get to know the sounds and phrasing of Latin American music. The first part of the piece is in A minor, while in the second section the key changes to A major – a typical stylistic device of classical music.
In the first few bars, particular attention should be paid to the phrasing techniques staccato and glissando:

In the second line, the legato phrasing from the higher to the lower note (“Pull-Off” the note = legato) are a challenge: it is essential to maintain the even flow of the eighth notes.

The third line melody sequence (to be played after the first line repeat) is a good example of the practical application of longer scale passages. In preparation for this, practicing the basic level scales is recommended.

In the second part, the melody is set in thirds – also a common technique for emphasizing a sequence of tones. Here, too, it is worthwhile to first work on this technique and the resulting fingerings in scale exercises.