Berimbau is a song by Brazilian guitarist Baden Powell . Its simple structure and basic seventh chords make it a good entry point into the world of Brazilian guitar music and bossa nova. The berimbau is a traditional Brazilian musical…
Berimbau is a song by Brazilian guitarist Baden Powell . Its simple structure and basic seventh chords make it a good entry point into the world of Brazilian guitar music and bossa nova. The berimbau is a traditional Brazilian musical…
Various Bossa Nova chord progressions for all difficulty levels. Improve your guitar playing with these fun exercises!
Vinicius de Moraes is known as the “Poet” of Bossa Nova but he has also composed the music to a few pieces, mostly in collaboration with Tom Jobim or Baden Powell. Samba da Bênção has an ostinato melody that can…
After the basic chord forms in the first position were covered in the introduction to the bossa nova chords, the following lesson is about learning the basic four-note chords across the entire fretboard. In addition to internalizing these chord forms,…
Menina Moca is a simple song by Luiz Antonio that is suitable as an introduction to the world of bossa nova guitar. It gained greater fame through the recording of the American jazz saxophonist Stan Getz together with the Brazilian…